quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

ONE MORE ABSURD (By Marco Sobreira)

I have said here that after much struggle, countless explanations, finally got permission to hire physicians for daytime in our PAM, so from Monday to Friday we have two physicians, believe me, is an advance, thus reducing the load work to colleagues who have to do a better quality care.
Yesterday, 10/10/11, at 8:30 am I was told that one of the nurses on duty had not yet arrived, I immediately called the doctor, by the way great friend, who informed me that I was coming and give the necessary explanations . When he arrived, he gave me the account of what happened and I want to play here so that readers of the blog understand why my disbelief and growing frustration with the health services that is offered to the population.

Colleague told me that he would be off the weekend and had planned to take advantage of Sunday to enjoy her grandson when he received phone call from Secretary of Health in a small town southwest of the state, asking, nay begging for her to make the call Sunday, it was no duty to the maternity hospital and the city. At first claimed he could not go but realizing the hopelessness of the department decided to make the shift, and grandson would look for another weekend, leaving the most common ones in our profession. I could not imagine what to expect.
He went on saying the call was running as usual, but so much press that few cases of urgency or emergency, until by 16 h there comes a young woman in labor, she felt a chill down my spine to discover the twin pregnancy and what is worse , at 28 weeks, or approximately 6 months premature. Labor was ahead and could not transfer it to a maternity hospital with the NICU, the closest was in Itapemirim, some 50 km away. Alone, without a pediatrician to serve infants, only with the help of the nursing technician prepared for the worst.
The labor progressed well and soon the twins were born, as expected, both with respiratory failure, tried to do what I could, secretions aspirated them, put them in a heated crib, called oxygen and to his surprise and indignation was informed that it was over and that the hospital board had failed to replace the cylinder. Soon one of the twins died desperate and called for the SAMU ambulance to transfer the other, informed that the ambulance would come from the capital, which was 95 km. At this point, someone pointed out that the ambulance had a small cylinder of oxygen, that somehow, somewhat improved the survival chances of another child.
Not to dwell too much, I know that this time the anger also takes care of you reading this outburst, I mean that after 6 hours of waiting for the second twin also died without the expected ICU ambulance reached the hospital.
We can then draw some conclusions, the first not longer admit that in the XXI century, continue functioning hospitals without a full team of obstetricians, pediatricians, and at least anesthesiologist on duty, but sadly I must report that there is more inside of our country. With the madness of mayors for just electoral interests, which create these hospitals without proper structure eventually leading to situations like the one described here and despite the colleague in question has great experience in obstetrics, the common is that physicians who have never made a delivery to be required to go through similar situations.
Second, how to justify the lack of oxygen in the middle weekend in the only hospital in the city? Here it is clear irresponsibility, bureaucracy and the amateurism of managers who could in any way running out of oxygen, essential in any hospital.
Third, there is an evident lack of doctors and of course the low pay and poor working conditions certainly alienate practitioners of this type of work. Any money paid by the stress suffered colleague, much less the lives lost.
Finally, that the emergency ambulance service (SAMU) does not work in most cases, either will not or does not arrive in time to save the life of the patient, then inside, no way. Let's face it friends, a relief to 95 km away? This is playing with the lives of others.
I conclude with certainty that more than all the above, it is clear that health is not treated as a priority in Brazil, absurd as this should unfortunately happen every day in this republic of incompetent managers, uncommitted to the lives of those who have to resort to our public health service, with the aggravating factor that there is no indication that things will improve, episodes like this will fall into oblivion, nobody will be blamed and punished much less, until the indignation reaches a point such that the population revolt on your hands and take responsibility for a better and fairer country, until then, may God protect us

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