quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

The STATESMAN is the popular.

To understand how the improvement was the income class of so-called C and D, including a new emerging middle class, causing economists and businessmen engaged studies and products for consumption in this segment, we have to understand what was especially great because of the increase inequality and impoverishment of that portion of the population. I have no doubt that from the mid-twentieth century, this large factor is called inflation. Let us look back, from 1958 to 1964 inflation fell from 20 to 80% per year for two main reasons. The first excess of public spending in the JK Government and the worsening political crisis that led to the coup of 64. From 1964 to 1973, due to a good time in the world economy and a successful program of stabilization by the military, inflation declined to 15% a year, returning to levels of up to 100% per year between 1974 and 1979, especially the first big oil crisis reaching Brazil in full, as was virtually no production of black gold as well as the stubbornness of the country want to keep up with growth, with significant increase in foreign debt. The second oil shock and a shock interest takes the Brazil deep in debt, including enacting a moratorium on foreign debt and causes inflation exceeding 200% per annum in the period 1980 to 1985. From 1986 until 1994, what we saw was a series of heterodox economic plans, based mainly on price freeze that raised inflation to conceivable over 1000% per year. Who lived the period, should remember very well that our bread each day, the price changed daily, arriving at a cost price in the morning and one afternoon. Many people made fortunes during this period gained by applying the overnight and all kinds of financial investment, but the poor and the workers saw their money disappearing every day, further increasing our social inequality.

Due to inflationary race, we had between 1967 to 1993, six coins, namely: New Cross, Cross, Cross, New Cross, Cross and New Cross. The total inflation during this period was 1.1 quadrillion percent inflation of 16 digits, an IGP-DI 1,142,332,741,811,850%. In this environment than in 1993, then President Itamar Franco, calls Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a sociologist and then Foreign Minister to head the Ministry of Finance with the commitment to eradicate or at least lower inflation. In August 1993 the Minister became Cruise on Royal Cruise to adjust values. In January 1994, with inflation at 42.19%, President Itamar Franco, responsible for the creation of the Real Plan, agreed that work to give the unlimited and the maximum extent necessary to its success.

Officially launched on 27 February 1994, the Provisional Measure 434, established the URV (Real Unit of Value) that established rules for conversion and monetary values-indexed the economy and led to the creation of a new currency, the Real. On 1 March 94, was introduced in Order No. 10, Crind the ESF (Social Emergency Fund) considered essential to the success of the plan. The amendment produced the untying of funds from the EU budget, directing resources to the fund, which would give the government room to remodel and / or cut superfluous expenses. Government spending contributed greatly to the hyperinflation, since the machine of the Brazilian state was large, expensive and eager for more spending. A few hours earlier, the Minister Cardoso went on television and in official announcement on national television, gave an ultimatum to Congress to approve the amendment to the Constitution. [6]

On 1 July 1994 was the culmination of the stabilization program with the launch of the new currency, the Real (R $). All the Brazilian monetary base was changed according to the rate established by law: CR $ 2750.00 for each $ 1.00. [7] The cumulative inflation in July was up 815.60%, and the first inflation registered under the effect of the new currency was 6.08%, minimum record in many years. The Real Plan was a definite program to combat hyperinflation implemented in 3 stages, [8] as follows:

1 - Time balanced budget, reducing costs and increasing revenues, and this would have happened in the years 1993 and 1994;

2 - Creation of URV to preserve the purchasing power of wages, avoiding emergency measures, such as confiscation of savings and breach of contract;

3 - Launch of the monetary standard Real name used until today.

After the implementation of the plan for more than six years, a large sequence of structural reforms and public administration were implantandas to support economic stability, among them are: privatization of several state-owned sectors, Proer, the creation of agencies regulators, the Fiscal Responsibility Law, the liquidation or sale of most banks owned by state governments, a total renegotiation of the debts of states and municipalities with strict criteria (debt), more open trade with other countries, among others.

The conclusion is that without a doubt, inflation is largely responsible for the concentration and inequality in Brazil from the early 50th century passado.Além to be a sort of tax for the poor, difficult to organize people's lives and businesses, making the future uncertain. For dificudade to memorize the prices in periods of hyperinflation, ill-intentioned and bitches take advantage to deceive and take advantage, making the problem even more cruel.

Finally, the truth is that the Real Plan was the great watershed, the big project that resulted in the growth, stabilization and improvement of life of all Brazilians, especially the lower classes. The merit of President Lula was stay the course plotted by FHC and of course with a favorable global economic situation may expand the social programs of his predecessor. It is fair to mention here, that Lula and the PT were strong opponents of the plan. The President should be grateful and acknowledge the foundations in place, but his arrogance, his vocation and his narcissistic selfishness prevents him and taking advantage of the popularity achieved in part by long-term benefits of the Plano Real, boasting as if everything had begun in his mandate. Fernando Henrique is absolutely right and should not even fear the proposed comparison repeatedly between the two governments and two presidents. This is to compare a state with an opportunist POPULAR.

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